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Monday, December 17, 2012

Step2 How to Install Windows 7 (Complete with pictures)

For those who have never installed windows 7 to a computer or laptop. here's how to install windows 7 complete with a picture of the drawing. Step2 is either by using media such as DVDs or other media using flash is the same, whether it is for a 32bit version and a 64bit version, for those who do not have installation windows7 please see the flash media to install Windows 7 using a flash here. Let's get started!. Insert the DVD or plug...

How to install Windows 7 via USB stick

During this time I have tried to find information on how to install Windows 7 via flash, and finally succeeded, too, although the process is running a little slow and I think going too ya guns can install via USB drive, baru2 has many articles that discuss cara2 install windows via USB flash, and I think not hurt to try another trick, who knows there is an increase in speed penginstallannya. Installing Windows via USB flash is apparently...

Download Windows Vista DVD ISO Original

  The previous post about the link download windows 7 dvd iso original, legitimate file2 ISO for download, this file is original and untouched since the host is stored in the Digital River which is the official distribution partner of Microsoft that link really safe and reliable for download. Many have asked for a download link for Windows Vista, so this time we will share the download link directly file an official ISO setup, Original...

Windows Vista Ultimate 32 Bit and 64 Bit Edition

Morning all bloggers, here I share more windows vista ultimate. Make a direct request already in check aja. Windows is a Windows Vista Ultimate Full Version without Activasi. Staying cracknya install as Administrator. ACDSee.Photo.Editor.v4.0.195 therein + ACDSee.v9.0.108.Photo.Manager + + Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional Animated.GIF.Producer.v3.3 Arles.Image.Web.Page.Creator.v7.1.0 + + + AVD.Graphic.Studio.v6.7 CyberMotion.3D-Designer.v12.0.0.6.WinALL...

Windows Vista Ultimate Lite SP2 x86 | 697MB

  Windows Vista Ultimate Lite SP2 x86697MB | Windows Vista Very Small Minimum System Requirements: 256MB RAM (512MB Recomended) 20 GB of HDD space 128MB of Graphics Memory (Capable to run Windows Aero) 17’ inch Monitor ( 1024 x 768 ) CD-ROM Removed Components: Accessories: Accessibility Charachter Map Mobility Center Speech Support Welcome Center Windows Sidebar Drivers: Display Adapters Diva Server Modems Printers...

Thursday, December 13, 2012

WinutuxU | Windows Duplicity Linux

WinutuxU | Windows Duplicity Linux "WinutuxU | Windows Linux Duplicity" I think that is the appropriate sentence for this Operating System, WinutuxU derived from the word: Win = Windows Linux Tux = U = Ubuntu So winutuxu is a Windows operating system (XP) which succeeded in modiv be like Ubuntu Linux. WinutuxU When viewed at a glance it's like exactly the linux operating system "Ubuntu". But if we look deeper into this really...