Thursday, December 13, 2012

WinutuxU | Windows Duplicity Linux

WinutuxU | Windows Duplicity Linux
"WinutuxU | Windows Linux Duplicity" I think that is the appropriate sentence for this Operating System,

WinutuxU derived from the word:
Win = Windows
Linux Tux =
U = Ubuntu
So winutuxu is a Windows operating system (XP) which succeeded in modiv be like Ubuntu Linux. WinutuxU When viewed at a glance it's like exactly the linux operating system "Ubuntu". But if we look deeper into this really Winutuxu windows. . . .
Let's look at the evidence nyata.nya

1. Display the Windows XP installation, on view pencopyan this really belongs windows installation display
2. Boot Screen successful in modifying neatly,
3. Then the installation process is well amended with an attractive
4. Besides the successful fox well. . . Operating system also comes with application software open source. As shown in the figure, including: Traveso, Mplayer, 7-zip, etc.
If anyone is interested to try it, please can download iso file it here: Download Winutuxu
Hopefully Helpful ...